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490 US$
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570 US$
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  • After it treat much information has can size an it is contact.

  • Villa Details
  • Nusa Dua, Tanjung Benoa
  • 30 minutes to the Airport
  • 10 minutes
  • beach front to the beach
  • 400 m² Property Area
  • Swimming pool: 8 x 5m
  • 3 Bathrooms
  • Employees
  • Manager : 1
  • Cook : 1
  • Butler : 2
  • House Keeper : 4
  • Gardener : 2
  • Security Guard : 1
  • Maintenance : 2
  • Facilities
    • One baby cot and one baby high chair available free of charge
    • TV and DVD in the master bedroom
    • Complimentary usage of kayaks
    • Complimentary usage of four bicycles
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