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  • Villa Details
  • Seminyak,
  • 30 minutes to the Airport
  • 10 minutes to the beach
  • 1600m2 m² Property Area
  • 800m2 m² Building Area
  • Wifi
  • Swimming pool: 97.5m2
  • 6 Bathrooms
    Windu Asri bring the luxury, grandeur and colonial ambience from Far East to the tropical paradise island.
    The sublime "Raffles Style" in the villa design will teleport you back to the atmosphere of colonial age, while all the current sophisticated service is completely available in this villa. The tropical garden with little fountain, the white colour dominant building, the light blue lazy chair and the cozy designed lounge are perfectly placed for you to enjoy the island's tropical paradise atmosphere.
    Windu Asri is securely located in Petitenget with easy access to the Seminyak's best restaurants, bars, club, entertainment and tourist attraction. The villa will let you have the beautiful moment stay in your memory. 
    All the 6 air conditioned bedrooms have ensuite bathrooms. The dinning area seating is available for 12 persons, expandable to a maximum of 24. The gym equipped with a running machine, cross trainer, fitness mats/ball and lightweights with bench in air-conditioned room. Swimming pool is 13 x 7.5 metres wide and 1.5 metres deep with a removable fence that can be erected upon request.
    A Villa Manager, Supervisor, Chef, 6 Butlers, Gardener and Night Security Guard are ready to serve while you stay in Windu Asri.
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